Boss Horse Arenas
Boss Excavations have over 30 years experience in building supreme quality arenas to suit any discipline of horse riding. Whether it be for dressage, show jumping, reining, western pleasure or a safe all round riding surface, we can build the perfect arena for you!
Boss Fibres produced and manufactured in Australia is a great start.
The Boss Horse Arenas new stabilising fibre is a fantastic stabilisation additive when blended, that then offer the following benefits:
- Great shock absorption & cushioning
- increased traction
- moisture retention
- Reduced penetration hence preserving your base.
- Suitable for both indoor and outdoor arenas.
Depending on your riding discipline , installation rate os 2kgs, 3kgs or 4 kgs per sqm. fibre will require blending into your new or existing sand. ( Sand preference is the fine silica sand)
Price for a 20m x 60m – $3600 +gst & delivery – (8 bags) , … or, a 20m x 40m arena will cost approximately $2400 + gst & delivery.
The other option is if you have an existing geo textile surface that you purchase 300kg bags at $450+gst. All these options can be discussed with Mark to find your best option.
As with all fibre surfaces regular maintenance and grooming with an arena groomer / roller & of course, watering. Watering the optimum amount assists the fibre to bind together and stables the arena footing.
Available as D.I.Y. or installed by Boss Horse Arenas.
There is no doubt that years of experience and knowledge will give you peace of mind when you decide to either get Boss Horse Arenas to make your arena from the start, fix it up, or just get the surface! All work done professionally – all machinery available and in top condition.
For further details contact Mark – 0418 334 007 – available 7 days, alternatively you can email bosshorsearenas@gmail.com
(Don’t forget to mention The Joy Of Horses for your free giveaway Cashel Crusader standard Fly mask!)